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My name is André Castro (he/they) and for over a decade I have been working at the intersection of art, technology, and education. Between 2013 and 2020, I was a Graduate level tutor at the Experimental Publishing program at the Piet Zwart Art Institute, where I taught programming and coached students on their individual projects. I was also in charge of production of graduation shows, and managed the institution’s official archive. 

Following this work, I took on a role as a knowledge engineer at the German National Library of Science and Technology, leading teams in optimizing data management in the fields of cultural heritage and scientific research.  Throughout these various roles, I freelanced as a technical consultant in the arts for artists such as  Lawrence Abu Hamdan and institutions such as Tent Rotterdam. Currently, I am focusing on helping small businesses, such as the local Queer sex-shop Tailbone, find sustainable and value-driven solutions for their growing operations.

Having a constant curiosity to learn new skills, my personal interests range from DIY communities and open-source software to body piercings, fermentation, cooking and bouldering.


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