LinkedWiki-Mediawiki Extension

From artserver wiki
Revision as of 13:53, 25 August 2022 by Andre (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Code_Notes" to "Code Notes")
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The LinkedWiki extension lets you reuse Linked Data in your wiki. You can get data from Wikidata or another source directly with a SPARQL query. This extension also provides Lua functions for building your modules so that you can write your data in your RDF database.


You will need to install yarn , I have followed the instructions in which as I have problems with the yarn packed from the Debian Stable apt source.

cd extensions
git clone LinkedWiki
cd LinkedWiki

Install composer (locally). I prefer not to have composer installed system wide, so I will install it in the LinkedData extension dir.

curl -sS | php

Run composer install, to install the dependencies

php composer.phar install --no-dev

And finally run yarn install:

yarn install --production=true

Load the extension in LocalSettings.php, by adding to it:

wfLoadExtension( 'LinkedWiki' );

Check the installation by going to Special:Interwiki and Special:LinkedWikiConfig pages, note that the extension does not appear in Special:Version.

If not installed, you are need to install php-curl, :

sudo apt-get install php-curl

And restart the webserver:

sudo systemctl restart apache2


And we can make a Test SPARQL query against Wikidata in Special:SparqlQuery, with the following query, which asks for the European capitals with a population of the more that 1 million, which can be seen embedded in the wiki page LinkedWiki-Sandbox

SELECT DISTINCT ?country ?countryName ?capital ?capitalName ?capitalPop 
            ?country wdt:P31 wd:Q6256 . 
            ?country rdfs:label ?countryName . 
                FILTER (LANG(?countryName) = "en").
            ?country wdt:P30 wd:Q46 .  
            ?country wdt:P36 ?capital .
            ?capital rdfs:label ?capitalName .
                FILTER (LANG(?capitalName) = "en")
            ?capital wdt:P1082 ?pop . 
                FILTER ( abs(?pop) > 1000000)
                BIND(round(?pop) as ?capitalPop ) 
ORDER BY DESC(?capitalPop) 

Setting up & Config

As administrator I have to add myself to the group "Data" in Special:UserRights in order to write on the LinkedWiki created namespaces: Data and UserData

I like to add the LinkedWiki important pages to the side bar so i add to Mediawiki:Sidebar

* LinkedWiki
** Special:LinkedWikiConfig|LinkedWikiConfig
** Special:SparqlQuery|SparqlQuery

And if I want to add this wiki's triplestorage SPARQL-endpoing, as a default option to Special:SparqlQuery

I to follow the LinkedWiki configuraion instruction[1], and add to the wiki's LocalSettings.php

$wgLinkedWikiConfigSPARQLServices[""] = array(
        "isReadOnly" => true,
        "typeRDFDatabase" => "fuseki",
        "endpointRead" => "",
        "HTTPMethodForRead" => "POST"

Test SPARQL query this wiki triplestorage

And we can make a Test SPARQL query against the Triple storage, SPARQL endpoint of this wiki, using Special:SparqlQuery. Asking what subjects(pages) have the property foaf:homepage and what are their values.

PREFIX foaf: <>
 { ?page foaf:homepage ?value . } 

And we can also embed the query onto a wiki page, with

PREFIX foaf: <>
 { ?page foaf:homepage ?value . } 

{{#sparql: PREFIX foaf: <> SELECT * WHERE

{ ?page foaf:homepage ?value . } 

LIMIT 15 |config= |chart=bordercloud.visualization.DataTable |options=width=50%!height=500px |log=2 }}

Code Notes +
Date"Date" is a type and predefined property provided by Semantic MediaWiki to represent date values.
2020 +