User talk:Andre

From artserver wiki

André Castro is a media designer and Python developer working within art & technology, with a background in sound arts. In addition he works as a part-time higher education tutor at Piet Zwart Institute and Willem de Kooning Academy. André's practice is focused in the development of digital archive infrastructures, publishing workflows, and automated audiovisual systems for artworks and exhibitions.

Working in close dialogue with artists and institutions, André trys to offer reliable solutions that meet the requirements of the work, regardless of how unconventional it is.

{{#sparql: SELECT * WHERE

{ ?x ?y ?z . } 

LIMIT 15 |config= |chart=bordercloud.visualization.DataTable |options=width=100%!height=500px |log=2 }}


<rdf> prefix daapp: <>

prefix owl: <> . prefix rdf: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix sh: <> prefix xsd: <> </rdf>




<rdf> daapp:GeneralMethod

 rdf:type owl:Class ;
 rdfs:label "General method"@en ;
 rdfs:label "Méthode générale"@fr ;
 rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing .



<rdf constraint='shacl'> daapp:GeneralMethod

 rdf:type sh:Shape ;
 sh:targetClass daapp:GeneralMethod ;
 sh:property [
     rdfs:label "Label" ;
     sh:minCount 3 ;
     sh:predicate rdfs:label ;
 sh:property [
     rdfs:label "hasCampaign"^^xsd:string ;
     sh:minCount 1 ;
     sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
     sh:predicate daapp:hasCampaign ;
     sh:class daapp:Campaign ;
   ] ;

. </rdf>