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cool training,
Plus an even even bigger motive McCain can not afford to pay for to enable the Shrub "pull him down to his level" (this in the phrase of the CBS cameraman, a Louisianan who’s fairly a bit shorter than the ordinary tech and so besides all his other devices has to lug a little aluminum stepladder close to to stand on with his digital camera during scrums, which decreases his mobility but is compensated for by what the other techs agree is an pretty much occult talent for usually finding the best location to established up his ladder and movie at just the right angle for what his HQ desires - Jim C. states the small southerner is "technically about as excellent as they come") is that if Bush then turns around and retaliates from the retaliation and so McCain then has to re-retaliate versus Bush’s retaliation, and so on and so forth, then the full GOP race could immediately degenerate into just the kind of monotonous, depressing, cynical, demand-and-countercharge contest that turns voters off and keeps them away from the polls … By this time the techs are on the bus, immediately after the hotel-exit scrum but before the Saginaw-entrance scrum, and because it is only a 10-moment journey they have their cameras down and sticks retracted but all their equipment however strapped on, which forces them to sit up uncomfortably straight and wince at bumps, and in the Pimpmobile’s mirrored ceiling they glimpse even much more like sci-fi fight troops on their way to some alien beachhead.

It would, of program, have been just intriguing as hell for Rolling Stone to have gotten to check out the leading-stage conferences at which John McCain and John Weaver and Mike Murphy and the rest of the campaign’s High Command hashed all this out and made the decision on the push release and reaction advert, but of program method periods like these are journalistically impenetrable, if for no other purpose than that it is the media who are the genuine object and viewers for regardless of what system these periods arrive up with, the critics who’ll decide how nicely it all performs (with Murphy’s exclusive tiny "advance notice" spiel in the Flint F&F getting the strategy’s opening general performance, as absolutely everyone in the area was conscious but no 1 reported aloud). To be straightforward, all the national pencils would most likely be out in this article in the lobby even if the theater weren’t entire, because immediately after a handful of days McCain’s opening THM 22.5 will become wrist-slittingly boring and repetitive. It occurs at the Spartanburg THM, whose location is a tiny steep theater in the Fine Arts Center of a minimal college no one ever did find out the identify of, and is so packed by the time the McCain2000 push corps gets there that even the aisles are comprehensive, so that everybody other than the techs and their producers is out in the lobby, which is by itself teeming with higher education youngsters who couldn’t get a seat possibly and are standing all over using notes for a thing identified as Speech Com 210-McCain’s visit’s seemingly some type of course assignment-and rather delighting Rolling Stone by frequently seeking around the 12M’s shoulders to see what they’re composing.

Patrick: One of the matters that I see excursion up folks a lot when they are executing onboarding is often the people who are in demand of onboarding -- and this goes back to your group position -- may possibly not be the people in cost of solution. The Twelve Monkeys, who are old execs at this form of exchange, maintain hoping to steer Murphy away from what the Shrub’s carried out and get him to give a quotable clarification of why McCain himself has decided to run this reaction advert, a transcript of which Travis and Todd are now distributing from a fresh new copier box and which is, with many parties’ indulgence, also now reproduced below of which advert-transcript the 12M point out that in unique the "twists the truth of the matter like Clinton" component would seem Negative without a doubt, because in ’00 comparing a Republican applicant to Bill Clinton is approximately equal to boasting that he worships Satan. Murphy is difficult not to like, nevertheless in a really distinctive way from his prospect. Not responding may well also look like "appeasing aggression," which for a applicant whose track record is army and who spends a good deal of time talking about rebuilding the armed forces and being considerably less of a sweet-ass in international policy would not be fantastic, in particular in a condition with a higher percentage of each vets and gun nuts than any other (which SC is).

This is why Mike Murphy took precious huddle-with-prospect time to appear down to the F&F and spoon-feed the Twelve Monkeys all this stuff about Bush’s attacks staying so much more than the line that McCain had no option but to "respond." Because the McCain2000 campaign has acquired to spin today’s retaliation the same way nations spin war-i.e., McCain has to make it show up that he is not essentially currently being intense himself but is basically repelling aggression. The outcome is that the McCain corps’ pencils have now heard each and every information-disciplined little bit of the 22. 5-from McCain’s opening joke about getting mistaken for a grampa at his children’s university, to "It doesn’t consider substantially talent to get shot down," to "the Iron Triangle of funds, lobbyists, and laws," to "Clinton’s feckless photograph-op international policy," to "As president, I will not require any on-the-task schooling," to "I’m going to conquer Al Gore like a drum," plus two or three dozen other traces that audio like crosses amongst a nightclub act and a motivational seminar-so lots of occasions that they just cannot stand it anymore and when they have to be at the THMs in case everything huge or Negative occurs, they’ll go wherever and do just about everything to avoid owning to pay attention to the 22.5 once more, in addition of system to the laughter and cheers and wild applause of a THM crowd which is hearing it all for the initial time, which is essentially why the pencils are all now out in this article in the foyer ogling coeds and arguing about which silent-movie diva’s the lousy nearby heads’ eyeshadow most resembles.